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Become a High-Paid Facilitator in 90 Days or Less!

Learn the 5 things you can do to become top 1% facilitator, and earn 6 figures while doing it (a.k.a the 5-1-6 Method).

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You're invited to watch my new, hour-long training – free for a limited time!

What you'll learn:

  • How I landed facilitation gigs with the world's best companies (Google, Lego, and more!)
  • How to fix workplace collaboration forever
  • ​How to facilitate like a Master, even when you're not a subject-matter expert

For 13 years, the best companies in the world have come to me and my company for Facilitation Training:

It took me years of learning and trial-and-error until I figured out the blueprint for helping teams work together more efficiently, enjoyably and successfully. Using this method, I've trained people working for some of the world's most exciting companies.

Now, I want to share it with you!

Watch the training

Become a High-Paid Facilitator in 90 Days 
or Less!

Learn the 5 things you can do to become a top 1% facilitator, and earn 6 figures while doing it (a.k.a. the 5-1-6 Method)

Watch the training
​🎁  FREE BONUS: Unlock the training above and get a 47-page, step-by-step guide on running my favorite workshop!

What you'll learn:

  • How I landed facilitation gigs with the world's best companies (Google, Lego, and more!)
  • How to fix workplace collaboration forever
  • ​How to facilitate like a Master, even when you're not a subject-matter expert
​🎁  FREE BONUS: Unlock the training above and get a 47-page, step-by-step guide on running my favorite workshop!

For 13 years, the best companies in the world have come to me and my company for Facilitation Training:

It took me years of learning and trial-and-error until I figured out the blueprint on helping teams work together more efficiently, enjoyably and successfully.

Using this method, I've trained people working for some of the world's most exciting companies.

Now, I want to share it with you!

Includes a FREE Bonus:

Lightning Decision Jam Workshop Guide

Get your free copy of a 47-page, step-by-step guide to my favorite workshop straight to your inbox!

Includes a FREE Bonus:

Lightning Decision Jam Workshop Guide

Get your free copy of a 47-page, step-by-step guide to my favorite workshop straight to your inbox!
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